Welcome to Sketch it Live - a full-service illustration, animation and graphic recording agency.
Established in 2017 by Alex Wegner, Sketch it Live brings Alex's 20+ experience as a graphic designer, illustrator and UX designer in London, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra together into a unique offering.
Using the universal visual language, Sketch it Live makes information more accessible and engaging. Used by small to large businesses, government departments, local government, not-for-profits, universities, schools, and event and festival organisers, Sketch it Live uses a range of techniques and media, and Alex's unique and engaging style, to produce one-of-a-kind visual artefacts, including:
Graphic recordings of meetings, workshops and conferences
– as an alternative to or to complement written notes
Multi-media videos – short form videos that combine animation, photography and audio
Illustrations for a range of purposes including posters, roadmaps, instructions and children's books (to name just a few)